Property Use Guidelines

Permitted and Restricted Uses regarding public use  excerpted from Section 5 of the Stewardship Principles, which was adopted by Board of Directors  on Oct. 11, 2019.

General Public Use and Access:
The Foundation allows public access to all of its unrestricted fee-owned properties for passive recreational uses, including hiking, observing nature and engaging in other natural pursuits that do not jeopardize the conservation values of the preserve.

Free Access:
Access to Foundation properties shall be free of charge.
Unless otherwise stated, properties are open from sunrise to sunset.
Camping is allowed only by written permission.
Campfires are not allowed except by written permission and after obtaining a permit from the local fire department.
Drones are not allowed except by written permission.
Group Use:
The Foundation reserves the right to limit the size of groups using our properties if it is determined that damage may result from large group use.
Commercial Use:
Commercial use shall be allowed only by special permission of the Board.
Horseback riding is permitted only on specifically-designated trails and specifically-designated properties. The Foundation reserves the right to establish dedicated equestrian trails and to prohibit equestrian use of trails.
In general, bicycles are allowed on Foundation property, including pedal-assist bicycles (“e-bicycles”). The Foundation reserves the right to prohibit bicycling on certain trails and properties or sections thereof.
Boating is allowed from Foundation properties where boating access is called for in the management plan, or there is a shoreline that provides access to boats launched elsewhere, or where boats may be carried from elsewhere to be launched from Foundation property.
There are no lifeguards or facilities on any body of water accessed by Foundation property. The Foundation absolves itself of any liability for death or personal injury as a result of swimming on its lands. Swimming may specifically be prohibited if the habitat is fragile and use is determined to be harmful to the wildlife or it is determined that the swimming is inherently dangerous due to local currents.
All-Terrain Vehicles, Dirt Bikes, and Four-Wheel Drive Vehicles:
The use of all-terrain vehicles, motorized dirt bikes and three wheel and four-wheel drive vehicles is prohibited on Foundation property, except for those vehicles that are driven for safety or maintenance purposes by Foundation personnel, emergency personnel, and personnel from partner organizations.
Hunting is allowed on certain Foundation properties. Hunting is governed by the Foundation’s separate Hunting Policy.
Fishing consistent with state law is allowed from Foundation property.
Rocketry is not allowed except with written permission.
Trapping is prohibited, except when deemed necessary by stewardship staff as a natural resource management tool or for research purposes. Trapping will only be permitted with written consent by the Foundation and consistent with state law.
Academic Research:
Academic research on Foundation property may be allowed upon proposal submission, Foundation review and approval. The proposal shall include:
(1) the scope, intent and location of the research;
(2) the parties involved;
(3) the research timeframe, including the proposed days and times on site; and,
(4) what shall be collected from Foundation property and by whom.
If approved, the researcher must agree to share the data and all other relevant information regarding samples found on Foundation property with the Foundation. The researcher must also agree to not divulge information regarding the specific location of any endangered or threatened species or sensitive cultural artifact found on Foundation property.
Dogs: Dogs are generally allowed on Foundation property, with the following limitations:
a. Dogs must be leashed at all times.
b. Owners are encouraged to pack out pet waste on trails and other high use areas.
c. Dogs may be prohibited on properties.
d. Specific dogs may be banned from certain properties or all properties.
e. Exceptions may apply according to lease agreements.
Plant, Wildlife, Mineral, and Historical/Cultural Resource Collecting and Metal Detecting:
In general, the collection of plants, wildlife, minerals, and historical/cultural artifacts, and the detection of metals and the collection of objects found through metal detecting, from Foundation properties by the public is not permitted.
Prosecuting Vandals:
Any vandalism that comes to the Foundation’s attention will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authority. We will cooperate with law enforcement fully, including pressing criminal charges, or an arrangement for compensation or community service (in case of juveniles), if recommended by the authorities.
“No Trespassing” Orders:
The Foundation reserves the right to prohibit from Foundation properties those individuals who have violated property rules or who have violated the law on Foundation properties. The Foundation reserves the right to “no trespassing” orders against such individuals.
No material of any nature may be placed, dumped, or otherwise introduced onto Foundation lands without written permission from the Foundation.