Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation Hunting Rules

Adopted by Hunting Committee September 23, 2020

All hunters must adhere to the following rules when hunting on SMF property. Please be advised that bow hunting permits may be revoked otherwise.

1. All federal, state and town laws must be obeyed and a valid MA hunting license must be in possession.
2. Stands may only be erected in the area designated on each hunter’s individual map.
3. A maximum of two stands are awarded unless otherwise designated by staff or approval for additional stands is received from SMF’s hunting committee and any hunters that share the property.
4. All permits must be displayed- i.e.: tree stands must have Tag issued to you visible and vehicle tags left visible on dashboards. Failure to tag stands may result in their removal.
5. All stands must be 500 ft. away from any occupied dwelling without prior written permission from the homeowner.
6. No nails, bolts or screws may be used in securing the tree-stand to the tree.
7. No trees or shrubs may be cut down and removed.
8. All stands must be taken down at the end of the hunting season.
9. All stands must be at least 75 ft. from any public trail or road and not obviously visible.
10. All deer remains must be disposed of away from trails.
11. Crossbow laws must be obeyed. Crossbows may be authorized following staff review.
12. If a hunter does not apply by Oct. 31 or pick up their permit, they may lose their permit. Hunting surveys should be turned as soon as possible after the season ends.
13. All hunters must be ambassadors for Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation and treat the public politely and with respect.