Bequest from Harriette Otteson

Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation is very pleased to note that, in May of 2019, the Foundation received a generous bequest of land at 86 Menemsha Crossroad in Chilmark from the Estate of Harriette Otteson. Ms. Otteson had arranged the gift in 2007, working closely with Steve Crampton, who was the president of Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation. She worked with Mr. Crampton and Foundation staff on her intentions for the use or disposition of the land and of the house, in support of Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation’s mission. In addition to the bequest of 86 Menemsha Crossroad, Ms. Otteson also gave to Sheriff’s Meadow a fund to support expenses associated with the property.

 Harriette’s parents, Stanley and Julia Poole, were given the land at Menemsha Crossroad for a wedding present from Stanley’s parents and started construction on a house in June 1930. The house, which was built by Roger Allen with the help of other Chilmarkers, was completed in April 1931. Stanley and Julia raised Harriette and her older brother, Matthew A. Poole, in the house and conveyed it to their children when they passed.

 “We are most grateful to Ms. Otteson — and to Matt Poole and the Poole family — for her very generous bequest,” said Adam Moore. “We thank her for her support for Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation and look forward to using her bequest in accordance with her vision.”