Sheriff’s Meadow Scavenger Hunt Worksheet #1
By Alex O’Brien

Materials Needed: 


  • (Pre-K, K and grade 1) Living or Nonliving and Categorizing Activity 



Objective: The children will be able to identify various items in nature. Additional – encourage them to make a detailed oral or written description of one or more items  

Additional Reading:  A Walk in the Forest By Maria Dek.


Lesson Plan: 


For younger children: 

  • Name and discuss all of the items on the Scavenger Hunt Guide.  

Living or Nonliving and Categorizing Activity 

    • Discuss the difference between living and non-living things.   
    • Let them know what it means to be alive (Living things need: need food, water, and air)
      • You or your child cut out objects from the Living & Nonliving Objects worksheet. 
      • With your child name the objects. Ask questions such as “Where would you find this?” 
      • You can connect your conversation to 


For older children (grades 1+) 

Scavenger Hunt Adjective Worksheet For older children (grades 1 and up): 


While Walking: 

  • Bring Scavenger Hunt Worksheet and pencil. Remind your explorer about the importance of staying on the path.  As you walk ask them to note:
    • What colors do you see?
    • How tall do you think that tree is? 
    • What does the ground feel like?
    • Can you find a bird nest here?
    • Can you hear the wind rustling the leaves?
    • Did you notice that the moss is always on the same side of the tree trunks?
    • What do you think this forest looked like fifty years ago? What do you think it might look like in another fifty years?
  • As your child comes across a given object and you think it is safe, have your child touch, smell, observe an object.  Note the sense that is being used and make a mental list (or actual list) of words they are using to describe the objects. 


After the Scavenger:

  • On your way home, ask your child: 
    • What was your favorite object to find? 
    • Which item was the most difficult? 
    • What are some new words you learned today? 


And PLEASE be careful of poison ivy and always check for ticks after a walk in the woods..