Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation is pleased to announce that, on June 28, 2022, it was awarded a grant of $23,700 by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), through funding provided by the federal Recreational Trails Program, for the creation of a universal access trail at Huckleberry Barrens.

This new trail will be created at the Huckleberry Barrens property in the Katama section of Edgartown. It will be designed to be accessible to those who use wheelchairs and other mobility aids. In addition, a permaculture demonstration will accompany the trail. Envisioned by Sheriff’s Meadow Board member and landscape designer Tara Gayle, the permaculture demonstration will feature specimens of native plants suitable for growing in home gardens. Such plants include: highbush and lowbush blueberry, beach plum, hazelnut, and various varieties of the property’s namesake plant, huckleberry.

Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation anticipates creating the trail in the fall of 2022. We thank DCR for this generous grant.