The Daggett Trailhead parking lot at Cedar Tree Neck has 11 parking spaces for visitors at the end of Obed Daggett Road. There are 6 parking spaces on the left side of the lot, and 5 spaces on the right side.

When the lot is full, please try parking at the Taylor Gate trailhead at the top of Indian Hill Road. The Taylor Gate Trailhead is 1.4 miles by road from the Daggett Trailhead or 3/10th of a mile SW of intersection with Obed Daggett Rd.  Via the Cedar Tree Neck trails, the Trailheads are approximately 1.6 miles apart. For a North to South hiking route follow the trail blazes for White trail to Orange-Blue trail to Orange trail.

Please do not park along the roads or at the adjacent private residence.