A message from our Board President Brien O’Brien

I often focus on two main themes when I talk about the work we do at Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation. The first is my appreciation of the trails and properties that serve as a place where we gather with family and friends; the great beauty of these properties enhances and deepens our relationships. The second is a celebration of the unique restorative powers of these exquisite , natural environments; they have something of a supernatural healing element that allows us to regroup, regenerate, and grow. And now, as we go through one of the most stressful times in the life of our country, and our world, I want to take a moment to ask each of you to make the time to take a breath, take a hike on one of our trails, and watch the first vestiges of spring bring a fresh face to the Island’s landscape.

This moment in time will be something we look back on as another one of those
“experiences” we could have all done without. This particular time seems to harbor some of the worst attributes of both the 2008 financial crisis and the sinking feeling we all had in the days, weeks, and months after 9/11. Without doubt there are difficult actions to be taken and decisions to be made that will be necessary to get through this current crisis. As we all march through this latest world crisis (six feet apart from one another), let’s do it on a Sheriff’s Meadow trail with someone you care for!

Be well,

Brien O’Brien

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